Friday, July 18, 2008

Dianna and Brooks
Frank and Cheryl

Uncle Wayne and Weston

The Great and Not so Great Grandmas!! ha, With little Lila

More Reunion Pictures



2008 Grow Ramey Fam. Reunion

These are pictures of Willow Lake, the little boy is Myra and Scooters little boy Scott.
So serene in the evenings and it was warm enough to swim in the evening too.
One of the numerous "camp dogs" His name is Harley, but his nick name is Hardly a dog. or something like that.
One of the meals, we did not starve that is for sure.
Marlene and I Kaya-tubing.

Family Reunion

This was at the family reunion last weekend. The weather was great. I will post more pictures soon.


Well we have no camera right now, Mike was hiking up a mountain and dropped the camera off a 40 foot cliff! It was very mutilated. So no pictures for a while. I can show a picture of the mountain it was dropped off of.