Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Beautiful day for a bike ride.

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Denise by the Potomac.

When we first got on our bikes, I thought this bike feels funny. But I tried to ride it. The pedals kept hitting the front wheel and it felt all imbalanced. I just thought at first maybe I am getting too old to ride a bike any more. I finally told Mike to stop and we looked at it, the front wheel was on backwards!! Had to go back and get it fixed.
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Ronald Reagan Airport

We rode bikes out to here.
It felt like the airplanes were right over you!
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TJ Himself

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Pillars against the sky.

This was just so pretty.
It was inside the Thomas Jefferson
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Thomas Jefferson Memorial

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Mike and his bike.

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The Capitol

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President Bush's helicopter.

We watched this land on the White House property
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Some Fall Colors on our bike tour.

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Subway tunnel.

It gets really hot and airless down here.
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View of the construction out back.

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Our little balcony

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Living area.

I would love to have an ottoman
Like this one! It is so neat.
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Dining area.

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The Kitchen

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My little washer and dryer!

What a life saver! I love them,
they sing when they are done!!
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The Bedroom, balcony out the window

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Our little office space in our apartment.

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Monday, October 15, 2007


Yeeks, even the bones make me shake in my boots. I am so glad they are extinct.

View From President Washingtons front porch

The view President George Washington, loved, the amazing thing to me is that they did not have the view out of their master bedroom, which is the room he died in. Some of the guest rooms had the view, but the windows are so small it really isn't that big of a deal. Also did you all know that he never had children of his own??
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Breeze way to the Kitchen. What a pain to transfer food!
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Bowling Green

This is the bowling green in front of George W's house, they say that they kept it like this even back in the 1800's. That would have been a lot of work. But they did have slaves, and George married a rich widow, so he was set!!
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Mike at Mt. Vernon, George and Martha Washinton's home. Very good to get out of the city! And the propertie there is beautiful with views of the river. I guess George Washington said it is the most beautiful view in the world. Can't say I agree, but it was very pleasant. And if anyone wanted to give me the propertie I wouldn't refuse!!
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Wath out for the Shark! I know I do not want to meet up with one of these guys.
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