Saturday, August 30, 2008

August 30,2008

Well we still do not have a camera. So no pictures, we have numerous times said...."oh I wish we had a camera" but so far we have not wanted to spend the money.

All is going fine here. Still have grieving days for my Mom, today is one of them. It is easier than at first so like they say time heals.

We went to Saginaw 1 and were the cooks helpers again. It is fun to do, and gets easier every year as well. Was scary at first when we started, but things go smoother each year as we all know what we are doing (I think!) We miss about three meetings at the convention. So we went to Parma and the weekend of #2 to make up for that.

Our next two weekends are planned, Weddings!! Seems all our kids peers are either getting married or having babies, there were so many babies at convention this year! No Grandkids for us yet, but we are not in a hurry. I just adopt everyone elses!! ha.

Well I will stop before this gets really boring....