Tuesday, November 13, 2007

101 year old friend Velma

We had the privilege of meeting one of our older friends here
The other people in the picture besides me are the folks that have been
good to pick us up and take us to meetings. Simon, Karen and Addie Bell. Simon is from Australia, Karen from Canada, Addie is the only American citizin in her family! Her Sis and Bro were both born in other countries. Velma just turned 101, she worked in Social Security when it was first established. She is still very alert, knows more about current events than I do! Amazing lady.
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1 comment:

Shauna Elaine Ramey said...

hey...did Simon Bell use to be in the work over there? In Aussie, I mean? And did he labour for a bit in PNG? I wonder if it is the same Simon Bell I met down there? Is he from Kangaroo Island?