Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Good Morning everyone, Mom is still exactly as she has been for over a week as far as responding to outward stimulation. Her ammonia levels are very close to the normal range this morning, 34, 32 is in the normal range. The Doctor did tell us a few days ago that it could take 36 hours for her to respond after she is in the normal range, so we are not panicking this morning anyway. Mom is fighting an infection, maybe two, lung and urinary. So we are just waiting like we have been. The doctor has not come in yet this morning. Tomorrow will be her proceedure to check where she was bleeding. All for now. D

1 comment:

Sandra Ramey said...

Dear Denise,
You are being very brave and strong...we know this is hard on you. Please know we are thinking of you every day and wishing to be there. You're right, God WILL take care of you and yours.
Sandra and Dave