Friday, January 18, 2008


My brother in law Chuck came up with the idea of putting a daily update on this blog site about my Mom. She is at the Sutter Memorial Hospital. In Sacramento. She has been here since early Tues. morning. Monday night 1/14 she and dad were getting ready for bed, and she went to the bathroom and felt like she was going to throw up. Well she did, and it was blood, she called Dad and he came and she said, I think It's ok, just help me to bed, I probably just broke a small vessel or something. Well Dad put his arm around her, and they started out. She then fainted and then more blood came up out of her mouth. Dad said I better call an ambulance, she said, oh you can drive me....and then more blood came out and she said do what you think you need to.

Well they went to Colusa hospital emergency room, and they did what they could to stop the blood and thought that maybe they had it stopped but felt she needed to be sent to an ICU room. This ICU here at Sutter Memorial was the closest room available in the area, it is about an hour and twenty minute drive from colusa. It was foggy so they could not life flight her, so ambulance again. By the time they got here Mom had almost bled out, Dad thought she was dead. So they filled her back up with blood, a total of 13 units by the time they finally got it full again. Then a Doctor GI Specialist, said I can as a last resort, go down her esophagus with a scope and see what is happening. So ok, if they thought she was not compromised in her brain, yes we want you to do it. He found 9 veins in her esophagus bleeding. He either cauterized, or rubber banded them and stopped the bleeding. Oh forgot she was put on a ventilator, so then she could not communicate any more. Before she was unable to talk she was being the strong one, and telling everyone not to worry about her.

For the first two days they have kept her sedated, and she has had her eyes shut, and does not respond to any voice. Yesterday we had high hopes because they said they were going to wake her up and wean her from the breathing tube. Well hour after hour passed and she did not wake up. So in the afternoon, finally a Doctor came, and he said we better check for brain bleeding. We were all devastated. So once again, wait, two hours later we get the results, hooray, no brain bleeding. Her amonia levels are too high, that is why she is not responding, so they put her on medication to get it under control. The amonia level may be high because of all the blood she had in her stomach.


Lois Austin said...

Dear Mithis Crawford and dear Joe,

Such warm and gratitude fills my heart when I think of comforting and encouraging and delightful times with you. This comes with much, much love and hoping that we have the privilege of having Mildred with us for a while still! I am sorry to be soooo far away. Plans are being made for me to return to California in the spring and I hope to visit you in your home!!
Love, Lois

Unknown said...

dear Denuse and Mike and family. Our prayers go out to all of you.Denise when I was talking to you the other day, all I could think about is you hummming and singing to your mom. Sing His praises if you can through you tears and smiles. I got the hymn, Oh the Blood of Jesus, Oh the Blood of Jesus, Oh the blood of Jesus, it washes white as snow. I pray that His blood washes and cleanses her blood as you sing this... i love you Cheryl