Thursday, January 24, 2008


We have a new development this morning. Mom has developed MRSA in her sputum, which if I understand right means she has staph in her system. That is the antibiotic resistant kind. We now have to wear gowns and gloves while in the room. And I have to wear a mask since I seem to be getting a cold. Also they are now saying that she has some renal failure. That means her kidneys are being compromised. This is all typical happenings for some one in critical care. So I guess that is why everyone that works here are not too upset. Lily said, (she is a friend who trained as a Doctor, and is in the ministry now) That some pull through and some don't. It will take time to tell. Today at noon she is to have a check into her esophagus to see if the bleeding areas have healed up and if there are any more danger spots. Then after the procedure they say they will be more aggressive in getting her awake. I am just taking that one day at a time, as I cannot know what happens next and don't want to speculate too much. We appreciate all your emails, and comments, I do not know how to respond to the comments so if you can email me it would be better. My email is if you don't know it. I will let you know what happens after her procedure today.

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