Thursday, January 31, 2008


Yay, Mom's ammonia level is down to 23 again, so can breathe a sigh of relief on that one. She is very sleepy this morning. I think they have given her too much pain meds, the Doc was not real happy when he could not get her awake enough to talk to her. So she will probably not get as much today. The GI Doc finally came in last night. He said she needs to move around and eat to get rid of the extra fluid in her abdomen, that is what is causing discomfort for mom, so once again we are in a viscious cycle. We are going to have get tough. Or Mom is. She can't eat and move is she is over medicated.

Dad and Barb and i are taking turns being with her. Dad is sleeping right now, and Barb is at work so I am on duty, but since she is sleeping I am doing this.

As far as her liver goes, they will do an MRI when she is back out of the hospital. We are anxious to get that figured out, it seems she should be recieving treatment for what is wrong. But we are not the experts. So one day at a time.

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