Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Thought I would get in a few words while Mom is still asleep this morning. Haven't really talked to her yet. She was very sleepy and tired last night, but Dad said she still did not sleep through the night. Dad has been staying in the room with her. I'm not sure how long he can keep it up. he can sleep through a lot of stuff, he can't hear real good so that helps.

Mom's ammonia level was back up a little yesterday, so they had to treat her for that again. hope it goes down quickly. It does seem to make her a little confused at times.
The nurses here are all amazed at how quickly she is coming out of it though. She has walked an hour a day for quite a few years, so her body is strong. Her voice is still out of commision. She has to whisper and it is hard to understand what she is saying. She is so tired she does not always repeat it. She gets a little stronger each day. Today she is supposed to have two physical therapy sessions. Their goal is to get her sitting up. They will have her sit in a chair as soon as they can. She will be able to swallow things better sitting up. So far she is not ingesting very much stuff, I think they will test her swallowing ability again today. All for now.

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