Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feb. 7

Today mom went onto palative care around 12:30 or so this afternoon. Which means they have taken her off all medications, oxygen, and monitors. The doctors will do nothing more except keep her comfortable. They are giving her morphine for pain to keep her comfortable. She has been declining fairly steady since starting palative care and started breathing very laboured around 2:30 or 3 and is very hard to rouse. Her heart still seems to be strong so she is fighting to live although the end seems to be drawing near. Most of the family is here standing by and waiting.


Dee Eubank said...

Just got the news. I'll see ya'll in a couple days.

Let me hear if there is anything I can do.


Dickeybirds said...

Thinking, as always, of you JoD.. we love ya!

Jeanie said...

I'm thinking of you guys alot tonight. Certain parts of life are SO hard. See you at the funeral.

Earnests said...

Love you momma. Thinking of you and your dad, sis, and family.
See you soon.
Alesha and gang

jay aitch said...

Denise, we are so very sorry to hear about your mother. I have been reading your blog for awhile now. You wouldn't remember us but we are the Hernstedt's and your folks met in my husband's home in Grass Valley many years ago. We were either at your wedding or your sister's wedding. Do know we are thinking of you at this very difficult time. Please give your Dad our condolences. I always loved your Mother.