Saturday, February 2, 2008


Good Morning

The paracentesis was done this morning. They pulled 2 and a half litres out of her. It is the color of light urine. It came out very fast. She is sleeping right now. The Doctor will have the fluid tested by pathology, they can test for cancer. He said that it can build up fluid again because she has cihrosis of the liver. So I am hoping it won't but if it does, it seems it is not that hard to get off . We will hope she will have some relief from the pressure for now anyway. The results of the test will not be back until Tues. or Weds. The pathologist do not work on the weekend.


Diana said...

Oh my. One thing, then another. Glad you are still posting. We are glad for the news to stay in touch. Love to all, Diana and Mel

Sandra Ramey said...

Good to hear....thanks Denise for all your info. We'll have you in our thoughts.
Love and hugs,
Sandra and Dave

Fawnda said...

Just wanted to say we are still praying and we love ya'll. If you need anything that I can do let me know alright. I love ya'll. Fawnda