Friday, February 1, 2008


Well sorry I have not had time to put this up today yet.

We have found out today that mom has fluid in her abdomen cavity. That is not normal, you should have no fluid or very little in your cavity. So they are going to pull it off with a needle, but so far they have been unable to find a Doctor available that knows how to do the proceedure. I looked this up on line and it is probably caused by her liver. One thing i read was that they can test the fluid and determine if she has cancer, so I am hoping they will do the test. The proceedure is called paracentesis if you would like to look it up. There are some things that can happen if the Doc does not know what he is doing, so glad they are trying to find an expert. One thing that can happen if they pull a lot of fluid at once is her blood pressure can go low. They also have be careful not to perforate any other organs, like the bladder and the intestines.

Mom is quite a bit stronger and if it was not for the pain in her abdomen from the stretching and crowding she would be feeling fairly well I think. She is still real weak, and can't speak out yet.

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Awesome that she is doing so good! Sorry that you are sick. I have a sinus infection and ear infection. Tis the season to have colds and other illnesses. Blahh... Tell Aunt Mildred hi for me!