Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Morning

Good Morning
Mom is very tired right now, all her therapists showed up one right after another. She tried to talk the PT out of doing his thing, but we both said, "nice try" poor thing, but it has to be done or she will not get better at all.

They are making sounds of moving her out of ICU so that is a positive step. She will be in a private room and still be monitored. They need these rooms for the critically ill.

We meet with a social worker to day. We are anxious about what happens next after she gets stronger, where she will have to go for her treatments. She has cirrhosis, so that is not curable, even if she does not have cancer, it is almost as bad from what I have read of it. The only cure is a transplant. And I do not know if she is a candidate for that or would want to do it if she was. I tried to talk to her a little about it this morning, she just closed her eyes, she is still too weak to deal with anything serious. We really do not know all we need to know, so we are on a mission to find out what we need to know, so we can make some inteligent decisions! if that is possible! ha.

Mom still does not have her vocal chords back yet, seems to take a long time. So we still have try and hear her whispers. She is getting changed from pureed foods to soft cooked chopped up stuff, I wish they would let us chop it after it gets here, but they probably won't, she has not been able to handle the textures of the pureed stuff. She really has very little appetite. A symptom of her illness also, and nasuea at times too. Also a symptom of her illness.

1 comment:

Dee Eubank said...


Hi, This is Dee your cousin in Texas. I just heard news today about Aunt Mildred. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you, Uncle Joe, Barb, etc...

All our love and prayers.
