Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Morning

I Don't even know how to begin. Mom is awake, her brain seems fine. She responded to us when we came in this morning. Then they started the proceedure to remove her breathing tube. Seemed to be an extra long wait!! We did not go to meeting as we were helping to keep her from pulling the tube out her self. She was so good, and being as patient as she could be. The first thing she mouthed to us (she can't make sound yet) was "sing" she wanted us to sing to her. Barbara had gotten here by then, we called her as soon as we knew. Try singing and crying at the same time, I'm sure we sounded very wavery! Dad was so happy he cried and I cried when we first came into the room, had to say, it's ok Mom we are just soooo happy that is why we are crying. We know that she has a long recovery ahead, but just knowing she is here mentally is such a relief. Thank you all so much for your prayers and love and help. We will be having to be careful not to wear her out. I am in the waiting room right now, so she can sleep. Dad is in there with her.


Sandra Ramey said...

Oh my ....I'm just crying thinking about you all singing. It was hard but very special to her.
Hugs to you all there,

rymckee said...

I know you were singing praises to the Lord for answered prayers. I also know Aunt Mildred will be praising right along with you and that blesses our hearts greatly. Thank you for being so diligent in keeping us informed of everything. Daddy has put on a brave face, but has been exceedingly concerned and I know how thankful he is tonight. We love you all and will continue to pray for all of you as there is much ahead. We know you will be resting a lot more comfortably tonight. Love to all,
Richard and Yvonne

Jeanie said...

That is so exciting that she is awake enough to hear you all sing. What a huge relief, I'm sure the news is up and down there but we are really hoping for a speedy recovery. Love Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise, thanks for keeping us updated during this diffacult time. You've all been in our prayers. Give your folks both a hug for me and we look forward to seeing all of you this summer! Love, Sherlene

Diana said...

Yeeaa! We're crying with you tears of joy. Hugs to all!!! ~Diana

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear this kind of update! Thinking of you and we'll be in touch.
Love, Lois G.