Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Mom is very tired and weak today. She is having to have some platelets transfused into her. Her platelets were 25 this morning. I think they should be up in the 90's. When they are low it is more danger of her bleeding. So they are buffing her up, that is what the Doctor said.

The Doctor also confirmed that she has cirrhosis. We were 98% sure she did have that but no one had really said it out right. The rest of her life she will be having to have platelet tranfusions, paracentesis, diuretics and lactolose. If she gets strong and stable enough she will be able to be discharged from the hospital, and she can get these treatments on an out patient basis. Eventually these medicines and proceedures will cease to work and then the end will come. We do not know the time frame or how long she has. But the doctor this morning said there is nothing more that can be done, other than what they are doing. Has been a sad morning around here. Mom has gotten stronger this past week, so we have hopes she can keep progressing. Her body seems to need something different everyday. Yesterday, it was potassium, because of the diuretic. Today platelets, the days before that her abdomen needed drained. So we take it one day at a time. Thanks for you comments thoughts and prayers. We appreciate each and every one of you.


LD said...

Hey, Denise good to hear all the news. liver disease is very hard to handle. It is painful, it makes you very weak and fatigued, it can make you hurt and have nausea and vomiting. Of course you have read all this. End stage liver disease is not a picnic. Your mom is srtong and if they docs can get her out of the woods and keep her going she will have a little longer here with us. Let us know if we can do anything. My mom still wants to be there. I hope we can get her there begore the end. We are trying to figur out when to come. If Aunt Mildred gets better and looks like she might go home and pull through for a time. We may be able to bring mom out for a short visit Love LaDon

Diana said...

Dad and Mom (Wayne & Sharon Ramey) want you to know that you all are in their prayers, and they read your blogs daily, but they haven't been able to make a comment on them. They appreciate you posting the updates. ~Diana Clark

Charlene said...

Hi Denise: We just finished Wed night meeting and our thoughts are with you and your family. We know Mike is on his way down. It was nice to have Clint in meeting,he updated us on Mildred. This comes with a big hug and know that we are thinking of you in this difficult time. Love you Mike, Charlene, & Kara