Thursday, January 24, 2008


The procedure to check Mom's varices, went fine. The Doctor said it looks fine and he fixed a few more areas. For those that don't remember that is where she bled in her esopahgus. But.....seems there is always one huh? Anyway, the lovely Doctor removed the feeding tube and did not put it back in. So now the nurse is having a difficult time getting it back in. More blood, more uncomfortableness etc etc. It really is probably just as well she does not know what is going on. They were supposed to try and get her off the sedation this afternoon and take her off the ventilator if they can, but with all this going on she is on higher oxygen and higher meds. So probably not happening today. I want her as comfortable as possible. So we all must be patient. Dad just came back in here, the nurse can't get it down there, so they will have to do it with an xray. all for now. D

1 comment:

Dickeybirds said...

I'm thinking of you, JoD... make sure to eat and rest...