Monday, January 28, 2008


Sorry so long to get on here. Mom is so anxious for us to stay with her. She worries if we aren't close. And also she coughs and gags on her phlegm , so need to suction her. She is still so weak she can't use her hands. She has not really slept since she woke, so we are going the opposite! I asked the nurse if this is normal. And three nurses said in unison....oh yes it is called ICU psychosis. They said it will get better when they start Physical Therapy. She is still very clear in her mind. My cold is miserable to day, decided to run away with my nose and I have been sneezing like crazy, not fun with a mask on. But hopefully it will run itself out. The doctor said this morning that she has a heart murmur. He thinks it might be from all the fluid she has had in her body, but they will do an ekg eventually to check it. She choked during her swallow test so no foods or drinks yet, she can eat ice chips but she is not too interested yet. I think her throat is very sore. She cannot talk either. even an whisper hurts her. So need time to heal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We understand your being needed by your mom (and dad) and we don't expect you to give us reports consistently. We're still thinking about you all and hope your mom is continuing to improve.