Friday, January 18, 2008

Second Addition

Yesterday we had a scare, we thought mom was bleeding into her brain. Thank goodness she was not. She has a high level of amonia in her system from all the blood she swallowed and also from her liver not functioning at 100%

As of today at 4:00pm, she is still not responding to us. She is moving a little today, her head and her leg every once in a while. I am anxious and worried if she ever will respond again, but trying to keep up hope that this too will pass. I have so much I want to tell her. I'll try and keep this updated.


Dickeybirds said...

thanks denise, for updating... I wish i could do something to help.
I'll be thinking of you.

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about all of you so much! Grandma and Mom have been trying to keep me updated. Love all of you. Hugs to everyone. Please tell your Dad I'm thinking of him. Love brennan rose

Unknown said...

Hi Mike and Denise this is a great idea. Have you talked to an oncologist yet. I am at Josh B's house now. I'm still praying hard for you. Call me if you need to. I;'m just hanging out with the kids. Love Josh's new home. we will be in church on Sat. form 11to 12:30. Love you CB

Sandra Ramey said...

Denise, my friend,
How awful to hear of this news and yet, please do keep on with it. We are so glad to know. We are thinking of you now and will hope to call tomorrow. Love you... Sandra