Sunday, October 7, 2007

Saturday and Sunday 10/7

This part is long, read just the captioned pictures if you don't want details!

Well Mike and I walked our legs off yesterday afternoon after moving all our belongings to our new apartment.

The apartment is very nice. All fairly new furnishings, (you start seeing the blemishes after you have been here a bit) Scary thing is, it is in all very light colors, so we have to be careful not to get any stains on stuff. YEEK!

Mike has had a cold all week and now I have it, guess we must have picked up some germ that is new to both of us. Ugh. I have been laying low today, missed meeting. Mike went, there were a lot of out of town people there. It is the closet meeting to D.C.. As far as we know the workers are not in the area right now.

The meetings here have a different bible study than we do in the west.

Yesterday we spent 4 hours at Arlington Cemetary, I really did not expect to spend that much time there, but there is a lot of history there. Robert E. Lee's wife's mansion is at the top of the hill. She grew up there and it was a very special home to her. Beautiful grounds. Still some slave quarters there, I'm not sure if they are the original but look like it. The slave quarters were actually fairly nice quarters compared to some I have read about. It was of course quite stunning to see the mass amount of gravesites from all the different wars. I am going to read more about Arlington Cemetary, I really don't know all the ins and outs, like who can be buried there and how many are actual bodies there and how many are just markers.

Well after walking around there for all that time, we took a hike across the Potomic river bridge to the Lincoln Memorial and the Viet Nam memorial. I sat on the steps and rested while Mike looked around since I had been there the day before. We then walked into town and had dinner then caught the metro back "home" arriving around 7:30pm. I had a little panic time cause the first metro entrance we came to was all locked down, and I thought, "oh no, maybe it closes early on Saturdays," but we asked someone and we were pointed in the right direction.

Today we ventured forth to buy some groceries. The closest food store other than a convenience store, is called "Whole Foods" well it is a "back to nature" organic, granola cruncher store.....we couldn't even find one junk food!!! Even the mustard was all some kind we had never heard of. No just plain old mustard to be had. Marlene would be in organic heaven, so she really should come and stay with me. $77. later, we have enough food for maybe two days?? but I will probably have to go back long before that time frame. And I am going to find a Safeway if I have to walk more or not, just not up to it today.

Mike has tomorrow off, he may have to go touring alone since I am recuperating. But we will see how I feel. Ta Ta for now.

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