Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5, 2007

I went to the Lincoln Memorial today. Quite an impressive thing. There are so many memorials around here, saw the WWll memorial on the way. Then I saw the Korean War Memorial on the way back. I did not go over to the Viet Nam Memorial because Mike will probably want to go, so I will go with him.

I tried to go to the Smithsonian American History museum, it is closed until the year 2008. I went into the Japanese/chinese art one instead. It had some interesting things, Sheri would have really liked it, reminded me of her house!

There is something called gellato here, I am not sure what it is, I need to find out if it is something famous here and if I need to try it. If anyone knows let me know.

THe humidity is so high here. I can't seem to drink enough. I have never been in anything like this, I guess it is worse in the summer, and that is why everyone comes here this time of year.

1 comment:

log52 said...

Gelato is wonderful! It's the Italian version of ice cream. It will hit the spot in the humid weather you are talking about! Great to see the pictures of all the memorials you have been visiting. Lois